out of my mind by sharon draper | Teen Ink

out of my mind by sharon draper

November 20, 2014
By Krose456 BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
Krose456 BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Out of my mind/Sharon Draper
Reprint edition (May 1, 2012)
Realistic fiction

Imagine   that you’re a super genius but there’s a catch you can’t walk, talk, and do the simplest task. That every day for eleven year old melody.

  Melody has a photographic memory. That means she remembers everything and anything someone shows her.  the smartest kid in her whole school but no one knows it. Most people in her life don't think she's capable of learning except for miss.v her old baby sitter helps her realize she’s capable of greater things not just what people say she can do. “…miss V placed me on the covers I fell flat on my face and started to cry then miss v placed my favorite toy next to me I started to cry even more, “get up melody get up… “ At school it’s even worse they teach her the same preschool level of learning which consisted of listening to the alphabet  on repeat all day every day. If only she could speak up but she can’t because she’s  born with a deses that disable’s her to do the simplest of things.  When Melody finally gets out of that class she thought things would be better that she would be like a regular girl but the kids where ether rude or awkwardly nice or just being nice because they didn’t want to be rude. Will Melody ever gain the ability to communicate with others or forever be silenced by her dieses? Will she ever accepted as an equal for who she really is on the inside or be forced to live with this label the doctors gave her?

Written from  a first person point of view, you see exactly what Melody had to go through—the  struggle, frustration, and the sorrow. The author Sharon made you think about how you would react and put you right in the story by using flash backs and figurative language like when she said, “One series of notes high and delicate, sang of sweet moonlight kiss gone sour; another line of music rippled with regret over opportunities forever lost.” Melody has a lot of mental strength but everyone is too ignorant to see that she actually smart but not only is she smart but she’s a genius.

Over all I really liked this book the way Sharon Draper built up to the climax and made you hang off the edge of your seat this definitely  is a  must read book it opened up my eyes and made me more grateful for what I have. The best part when I wasn’t sure what’s going to happen next or how she would react to everything that going on around her. The impression that  book gave me  is to never take anything for granted because you never know how lucky you actually until it’s all taken away from you and your left with nothing.


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