Dairy Queen by Catherine Murdock | Teen Ink

Dairy Queen by Catherine Murdock

December 7, 2008
By Anonymous

Dairy Queen is about a girl named D.J. She is the main charter it all starts when her dad hurts his hip. D.J and her brother Curtis have to do all the farm work. She doesn't really like that idea; because her brother Curtis never talks at all to anybody. So she and her brother are stuck doing all the farm work all summer long. Her two older brothers are away at collage; they don't come home during summer; because them and their dad got in a fight and never got over it. There fight was over football stuff and well D.J's whole family loves football; and so does she. Last year her brothers were playing there rival football team and it was a great and close game but they lost. On the other team there is a boy named Brian He was making fun of them because they were crying and they lost the game. That made them even more upset. Any way later after that D.J and Cutis were milking in the barn the look up and Brian standing there. He said he wants to say sorry for what he did; and he wanted to help out around the farm so they put him to work haying. He didn't really like that job to much and got very upset, that a girl was doing more and better at the work than he was. He got frustated and left. After a while he felt kind of bad for what he did and called to apologies. He wanted to know if he could come back and help more. Later after he started to help a lot. D.J decided it would be fun to train him for football season. She did but when school was close to starting she decides to play football for her high school team. Brian doesn't know he is playing against her in the game. Read the book and find out what happens in the game. The book was great I recommend for you to read it!


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