Slaughterhouse Five by Kurt Vonnegut | Teen Ink

Slaughterhouse Five by Kurt Vonnegut

December 4, 2014
By Serena Munoz BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
Serena Munoz BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Billy Pillgram is a middle aged man who was in World War two. This book is based on his stories before, after, and during the war. He travelled all over German territory with no knife or gun, he wasn’t even dressed for a war. He wore jeans, shoes instead of boots, and a little jacket. And he couldn’t wait to go home, to see his wife and daughter.
After the war Billy believed that he was kidnapped by tralafamadorians an alien species. He said this over the radio for everyone to hear. He said that they could see into the future and that when people die they really didn’t they were just going to a new phase in life. This was only one of Billy’s crazy adventures he has many more throughout the book. Furthermore, he was shot in the head and died in 1977.
I really enjoyed reading the book Slaughterhouse-five by Kurt Vannegut. I enjoyed the main character Billy, for he did not enjoy being in the war as most did. Although the book was hard to understand, it makes you want to read tell the end. I enjoyed ho Vanngut jumped from one part of Billy’s life to another. However the best part is the theme. I believe that Vanngut was trying to say that massacres are pointless and will not help society In any way. Vanngut also had a very unique way of saying the theme. He writes “Everything is supposed to be quiet after a massacre, and it always is, except for the birds. And what do the birds say? All there is to say about a massacre, things like “poo-tee-weet”’. However I would mostly recommend this book to someone who has the patience to read and understand this book, for some may find it difficult to comprehend.  


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