The Hiding Place By: Corrie TenBoom | Teen Ink

The Hiding Place By: Corrie TenBoom

January 16, 2009
By Anonymous

I read The book The Hiding Place by Corrie TenBoom. It was a fantastic and amazing true story about the hardships faced during Hitler’s reign of terror, told through the eyes of a middle aged Dutch woman.

This book brings you into the story of Corrie TenBoom and her family. Corrie’s dad, a watchmaker, teaches her patience through the creation and repair of the watches. Then, Hitler takes over, and she finds out who her friends really are.

This riveting story takes you on a ride, shows you the raw edge of power, and teaches how satisfying reaching out a hand is. These vivid recollections are amazingly retold, and great to read.
It was extraordinary to hear the lone voice of a survivor of Hitler’s reign. I

enjoyed this book immensely, and highly recommend it to readers


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