Ghost Hotel by Paul Kropp | Teen Ink

Ghost Hotel by Paul Kropp

April 7, 2015
By Tomoka Endo BRONZE, Bangkok, Other
Tomoka Endo BRONZE, Bangkok, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Miraculous Meeting


“I’m not scared.” Have you ever said this when you pretend you’re scared of ghost? Don’t you believe the existence of ghost? Ghost Hotel was written by Paul Kropp. It’s realistic fiction. Two protagonists, Kyle and Josh lead the story. Kyle is older and Josh is younger brother. The story is about old hotel, called Ghost Hotel. They go to Ghost Hotel to make sure whether there is ghost. Then, they discover one strange guy. This is funny story and after you read this, the ending surely makes you surprised. I really like this book.


Kyle and Josh live in next to the Ghost Hotel. Josh wants to know whether the ghost exists, but his older brother, Kyle doesn’t believe in ghost. Then, Kyle promises with Josh to make sure about the existence of the ghost to go to Ghost Hotel. When they go to the Ghost Hotel, they discover one very strange guy like ghost named Dr J. However, actually, he introduced himself as peripatetic historian. Soon, Kyle and Josh become friend with Dr. J. Then, they promise with Dr. J that they never tell someone about Dr. J in the Ghost Hotel. Later, Kyle accidentally, carelessly speaks of it to Bruce Volat. They must keep secret of it from everyone. How do they struggle over to keep their secret? What will happen to Dr. J? If you want to know then go buy this!


First, I like some quotations. It makes me laugh and I can enjoy reading the book. “How do you pretend to be a ghost? Kyle was scared. He peed his pants.” Josh says this when he asks to Dr. J why he looks like ghost just after meeting with him. I laugh this part because even though Josh is younger, he makes a fool of his older brother, Kyle. Even if Kyle says “No. I wasn’t”, Josh doesn’t change what he says and thinks about Kyle. Actually, Josh is honest, and he tells what he thinks straight out. When he understands about Dr. J, he says Dr. J is a bum. I can enjoy other conversations between these three main characters. There are lots of funny speech.


Second reason, I like this story because the characters seem real person. They all have funny and interesting personality. In my opinion, Kyle looks like real human most, and he is also similar to me most. he is usually nervous, scared, and troublemaker. He pretends that he is not scared of ghost, and he tries to act as strong dependable brother when he visits the Ghost Hotel with Josh. In addition, He is scared of Dr. J and he trembles with fear when he discovers Dr. J even though his younger brother, Josh goes closer to Dr. J calmly. Like Kyle, I’m always nervous and get in panic when something surprised happens, so I agree what he thinks and feels about ghost. I guess he might be always chicken, but it’s not true. He becomes dependable and reliable when he plans to play on trick to Bruce and others for important secret. Real person has many characteristics. Similarity, Kyle is same. This makes the story more realistic and funny. Realistic character reminds me about my experience.


Most importantly, I like the theme of the story. There is lesson, which teaches every reader about friendship. Kyle and Josh meet Dr. J in the Ghost Hotel. If they don’t go the Ghost Hotel to make sure about existence of the ghost, certainly, they wouldn’t meet with Dr. J. They become friend with Dr. J even though he has very strange appearance. If Josh doesn’t see Dr. J closely, they wouldn’t notice that Dr. J is human and they would run away. The story signifies meeting between two normal kids and one abnormal old is unbelievable. I learned that all meeting with everyone is miracle and people must thank it. Don’t judge people by their appearance. This is also message of the story and Dr. J also says that don’t judge a man by the dirt in his hair or the clothes on his body. Kyle and Josh can be friend with Dr. J because they have conversations first and they try to not judge by his appearance. Sometimes, the appearance might be important, but we must focus on inside of them. You can’t understand about them by their appearance. If you talk with them, you might like them or you might want to know them and to be friend. I learned about importance of meeting with people from the story. This story teaches about importance of meeting and way to create good relationship.


I can prove you will really enjoy this book. You can be pleased after reading this! If you want to laugh reading the book, go buy this book right away! Yes, RIGHT AWAY!


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