Fault in our Stars by John Green | Teen Ink

Fault in our Stars by John Green

May 3, 2015
By JUlrich BRONZE, Sandy, Utah
JUlrich BRONZE, Sandy, Utah
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The Fault in our Stars BY John Green

     The Fault in our Stars is about a girl naems Hazel Grace Lancaster who is diagnosed with terminal cancer. Through the book she learns how to live and enjoy life even with cancer. She is a fun loving teenager who falls in love thoughout the story. It is such a cute romance story that truly captures the feeling of true love and friendship with the one you love.


     I loved The Fault in our Stars. I loved all the romance in the book. You could feel while you are reading that Hazel and Gus truly loved each other and could be themselves around each other. I thought the way that Hazel was the one telling her stoyr about her life put it inot perspective of how her world truly was and what everything meant to her. I loved, but also hated the plot twist and the end of the story where a bittersweet change occurs. This ledt me in tears thinking of losing a loved one who you truly cared about and had so many memories with that will always be in your and Hazel's heart.


      "You don't get to choose if you get hurt in this world, old man, bu you do have some say in who hurts you. I like my choices. I hope she likes hers." THis is my favorite quote from the Fault in our Stars. I just love how it tells you of the love they had for each other and the heartbreak that has to come with that. Every teenager, esecially girls, that reads THe fault in our Stars dreams of one day finding the true lvoe Hazel and Gus have for each other in this book. This is the defintion of "real relationship goals" of a couple for every teenager. I recommed this book to every teenager. It is the chick flick kind of book you are all looking for to read. You will find yourself loving the book and yearning to finish it to see the ending of the beautiful love story.


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