Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins | Teen Ink

Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins

May 5, 2015
By madisondrake114 BRONZE, Sandy, Utah
madisondrake114 BRONZE, Sandy, Utah
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

In the book "The Hunger Games" written by Suzanne Collins, the story is mainly about a very high class city in the middle of 12 very low class districts. In order to maintain all of those districts the government in Panem is extremely well put together. But, they treat the district people very unfairly. The governnment is controlled by the capitol/ President. Durring the year, the capitol picks 24 teenagers, a boy and a girl from each district to compete in a game where each one must fight to the death but one person must be left standing.
I thought this book was very gory it had a lot of very good details. This is definitely not a childrens book. I really like how this is basically the first book to set off the whole "The United States is gone and we have a terrible government and want to rebel." type of books. I definitely think there was amazing wording and put awesone pictures into your head.
Suzanne collins is a great author and has other books! Go check them out!


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