Tiger Lily By Jodi Lynn Anderson Review | Teen Ink

Tiger Lily By Jodi Lynn Anderson Review

June 14, 2015
By ascoppettuolo SILVER, Wilmingotn, Massachusetts
ascoppettuolo SILVER, Wilmingotn, Massachusetts
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Tiger Lily by Jodi Lynn Anderson is a Peter Pan retelling told from the point-of-view of Tinkerbell. The story tells us of what Neverland was like before Wendy ever showed up and it also puts a little twist on what readers already know about the original story. It is told by Tinker Bell who witnesses everything that goes on in Tiger Lily’s life, especially when she meets Peter Pan. Peter is said to be a savage boy who lives in the forest of Neverland by Tiger Lily’s tribe, the Sky Eaters. But when Tiger Lily really gets to know him she finds out that he is actually very scared, but hides it well. Throughout the story, Tiger Lily and Peter end up falling for each other in a less than convenient circumstance, and Tiger Lily is left to deal with many obstacles that make her life harder. Whether it has to do with Peter, her tribe, or the dreaded pirates, she must find her way around the problems in her life. Unlike some other adaptations of the story like Disney’s Peter Pan or Hook starring the late Robin Williams, Tiger Lily has many darker themes and a less than happier ending. All in all, it was a very serious, tear-jerking read that kept me interested the whole time. I loved learning more about the characters and their backstories and I was completely satisfied with the ending. I would recommend this book to any fairy tale lover that wants a great heroine and a little more from their favorite stories. 

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