The Lovely Bones | Teen Ink

The Lovely Bones

February 2, 2009
By Anonymous

The Lovely Bones, written by Alice Sebold, tells a miraculous story of a 14 year old murder victim, Susie Salmon, who was raped and killed, by her neighbor George Harvey. She ascends her way up to heaven, a place that is expected to hold happiness for eternity. From above, she watches over her family and friends, as they grieve, weep, and suffer the horrifying image of they're precious sister/daughter/best friend/crush leaving earth in such an atrocious way.
She watches as her father, Jack Salmon, is the first to discover Susie's real killer. As he spends his free time searching for evidence to prove he's correct, he drifts away from Abigail Salmon, his wife. He gets himself into several situations, certainly ones that not only affect his physical health, but the emotional health of his family.
Lindsey Salmon, Susie's loving little sibling, faces the worst. She is constantly referred to as 'The dead girls sister,' and fears that she will be forever defined as just that. She grows extremely close to her boyfriend, Samuel, her father, Jack, and her little brother, Buckley during the times of Susie's death. As Lindsey struggles going through her Jr. High years, and High School years without her sister, Buckley attempts to understand death. He constantly sees Susie, and talks to her, as20well.
Susie tells the readers how her mother never wanted children, and how her mother feels that the tragic death affected her even though she didn't want it. To escape from the grief, Abigail started an affair with Len, the families police officer, and moved to California.

All in all, the Lovely Bones was a fascinating book, that held my attention throughout the whole story. It's a remarkable book, and definitely one of my favorites. I'd recommended this book for any mature reader.

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This article has 1 comment.

just3words said...
on Feb. 7 2009 at 5:59 pm
I read The Lovely Bones over the summer before 11th grade. It was beautiful, but deserving. It is one of those stories where you feel like you are the character - and in this case, it isn't a comfortable thing. You feel the loss of a child's life cut short, AND the families, and the friends. It reminds you of the victims in the world today. That this story is true for many others. We only hope that these victims find their own piece of Heaven. - g. malave