white dolphin by gill lewis | Teen Ink

white dolphin by gill lewis

September 24, 2015
By smilly BRONZE, Vauxhall, Other
smilly BRONZE, Vauxhall, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

White Dolphin
           By: Gill Lewis
I normally don’t enjoy reading. It has to be a really good book for me to keep reading. I get bored when I am reading but if it is a good book I can sit down and read for hours. This book made me keep reading. I did not get bored during any part.It felt like I was a part of the book. If you ever get a chance to read this book I would recommend it.
  Gill Lewis the author spent a lot of her childhood in a garden where she had a small zoo and veterinary hospital. When she grew up and became a real vet. She now writes books for children.
Kara’s mom disappeared. Kara wants to find the truth behind her mother’s disappearance. After Felix moves into town she finds an injured dolphin on the beach. She soon finds out that the injured dolphin is the white dolphin’s kid. Felix and Kara use their spare time to help save the dolphin and to find the truth behind her mom’s disappearance.  


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