The Devouring by Simon Holt | Teen Ink

The Devouring by Simon Holt

September 27, 2015
By Brin_Santokumura SILVER, Arlington, Texas
Brin_Santokumura SILVER, Arlington, Texas
8 articles 1 photo 7 comments

High school student Reggie, who aspires to work in a magic book store, finds a cryptic journal that looked as if a lunatic had written it.  The journal contained information about evil spirits called the Vours that would appear on Sorry Night and utilize your greatest fears in order to devour your soul.  The notebook additionally contained old rituals to prepare the reader for the fears ahead. At first, Reggie believed that the journal was a bunch of preposterousness, but of course she still endeavored all the rituals in the book out of mere curiosity, but as someone once verbalized, curiosity killed the feline. When Reggie’s little brother, Henry, commences to act outlandish, Reggie realized that the creatures within the journal were not just some crazy phrenic conceptions of a psycho woman but in fact authentic. Now in order for Reggie to bulwark the ones she loves, she must live in a world of nightmares and devour her trepidations before they devour her. But is she prepared for the perils ahead? Will she live or vanish?  If you are a horror, fiction, or adolescent adult book doter this is the book for you! Even if you are not a fan of any of those genres, I still highly recommend you to read this book for trust me you will not be disappointed. This masterpiece will send chills down your spine and you will not be able to stop flipping through the pages. You can also relate to the book in multiple ways, although it is a fantasy book. The author does a great job in letting us ken some background information about each of the characters and the book uses great imagery in order for us to have a conception of the setting, the appearance of each individual character and how each character feels. We can feel pity and fear for the characters and ourselves as we flip through this astonishing 231 paged book. I highly recommend that you give this book your time and let me ken what you cerebrate about. Relish the reading!

The author's comments:

I can assure you that you shall enjoy this book! 


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