Generation Me | Teen Ink

Generation Me

February 11, 2009
By Anonymous

I think that Generation Me is an extremely well written novel. It does an excellent job in proving to my generation that we really are more tolerant, open, and accepting than most other older generations. I highly recommend this book to anyone around my age. This book was an eye opener for me, and it gave me new perspectives on issues. I believe that Generation Me is well-argued, thoughtful, and enjoyable to read, however over the track of the novel I just couldn't shake my uneasiness with the use of the word miserable to portray my age group. Despite the gloomy trends that bash this novel like despair, disappointment when the 'real world' comes short on delivering the things we've been trained to expect, credit card obligations, huge student loans, breakups, intensifying real estate and health-insurance prices, division from the community' and to assume we're 'miserable' appears to prevent resilience. I mean yes, Generation Me has to tackle unwelcoming obstacles, but then again' doesn't every generation? Thinking of me as 'miserable' does not look as if it is to be a move in the correct path. Twenge happens to realize this and concludes her novel with prescriptive hopefulness. According to the words of Twenge, "Generation Me needs realistic expectations, careful career guidance, and assistance when we become parents. In return, we will gladly lend our energy and ambition toward our work and toward helping others."

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