Fast Food Nation by Eric Schlosser | Teen Ink

Fast Food Nation by Eric Schlosser

February 10, 2009
By Allison Mizell BRONZE, Plano, Texas
Allison Mizell BRONZE, Plano, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Fast Food Nation is a truly startling book that goes behind the scenes of the 'All-American meal.' Schlosser shows how the fast food business came to be and how the most popular fast food chains got so big. Schlosser uses surprising facts and statistics to get his point across. He makes it impossible to disregard what is going on in the fast food industry.
Schlosser writes to everyone who has eaten fast food, to show them what fast food is really about. Schlosser shows the real price of the quick burger at the McDonald's drive-thru. Schlosser breaks down the steps from the cow in the pen to the burger on the plate. First he explains how fast food all began, and then he goes into franchising, and into the marketing aimed at children. Schlosser then jumps into the lives of the workers and their mistreatment at the big chains. Schlosser takes us through a slaughter house and gives you a grueling image that makes it difficult to not go vegan.
Schlosser tells us the truth about the product. Schlosser answers why we want this food, and what attracts us to it. He sheds new light on fast food, not just the same old argument that it makes you obese. After reading 'Fast Food Nation' it is difficult to return to the ready when you order it meal.


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