The Lying Game | Teen Ink

The Lying Game

January 11, 2016
By kyliesmith1999 BRONZE, Portland, Oregon
kyliesmith1999 BRONZE, Portland, Oregon
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To teenink members, if you’re looking for a mysterious yet romantic book with a lot of drama, The Lying Game series is your best pick. This series is filled with unforeseen secrets and betraying actions from characters you would never have anticipated. Through all the makeups and breakups of friendships and relationships, through all the deceiving actions of characters you once thought were good, and through the journey of solving the mystery of a girl’s death, makes this the best series I’ve read. It was captivating from the first page to the last.
Imagine this: You're a young girl who has lived in eight different foster homes since you were five. You were forced to live in foster care when your mother let you spend the night at your friend’s house and was suppose to pick you up the next day. It had been over a week and she still hadn’t come. Your friend’s mom couldn’t take care of you anymore and had to let you go. You have very little of your own belongings. You have no friends, no family, and no real place to call home.  Now imagine this: You were adopted into a rich family in Tucson, Arizona. You have a big mansion that just you, your sister, and parents live in. You have a bentley, a walk-in closet full of clothes and shoes, a lot of friends and you’re very popular. How can these two very different lives come across each other? The author Sara Shepard, creates a compelling book that takes you on an adventure of mysteries, drama, and love.

Emma and Sutton are identical twins who have very different lifestyles. Emma lived with her bi-polar mom until she was five years old when her mom abandoned her at her friend’s house. Her current foster mother, Clarice, kicked her out of the house when Emma’s foster brother finds a video online of a girl being strangled. The girl looks exactly like Emma but it wasn’t her. Emma’s twin sister, Sutton, was the “It Girl”. She has so many friends but she also has so many enemies. She’s the star tennis player but she has major competition with her enemy Nisha. Her boyfriend, Garrett, is wildly popular who every girl wants especially Sutton. But all of a sudden she wakes up not feeling like herself, she can’t remember anything like where she is or any memories from the past. She has an urge to follow around a girl she’s never met before who looks exactly like her. She soon discovers that she had been murdered but she doesn’t know how, when, or where it happened.

The Lying Game series by Sara Shepard is told through the eyes of the soul of Sutton Mercer. She explains how Emma began to look through facebook to try to find the girl in the video who was strangled and looks exactly like her. After tireless hours of research Emma found a girl named Sutton Mercer. She messages her and they plan to meet in Tucson, Arizona at the Sabino Canyon. The only problem with that was that Sutton wasn’t the one messaging Emma. Sutton was already dead and her soul was following her twin sister around. Who was the mysterious person messaging Emma back? She soon gets to Arizona and receives threats from the mysterious person who happens to be Sutton’s killer. He/She tells Emma if she tries to contact the police or tell anyone about this, she will end up like her twin sister, dead.  

When I finished reading The Lying Game series, I felt content because it ended well. Although it was sad that the twins never met each other and never will, her family was very welcoming to Emma. I was also melancholy because I didn’t want it to end. I wanted to keep reading and Emma’s new and improved life with people who will actually love her for her.

The author's comments:

It's about a series I just finish. I reccommend this book for anyone who likes mysteries. 


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