Heroes of Olympus by Rick Riordan | Teen Ink

Heroes of Olympus by Rick Riordan

March 2, 2016
By Henry33 SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
Henry33 SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
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In my life I have read a lot of books, good books, bad books, boring books, and amazing books. The amazing ones stand out the most and I love reading them. Some of those books include the Rick Riordan series. What are those books you ask? Well those are the Percy Jackson and the Olympians books, Heros of Olympus series, and the Kane Chronicles. I also have to mention Rick Riordan’s newest series, Magnus Chase and the gods of asgard. Which Rick has already published the first book , Magnus Chase and the gods of asgard The sword of summer. All of his books have been great, I’ll tell you.
The first book published by Rick was his Percy Jackson and the Olympians book one, The Lightning thief. The Lightning thief for me was basically the book that started it all. Then was the Sea of Monsters, I don’t really remember much about the Sea of Monsters because I liked the first book so much I just flew through the second book. Same thing with the third book The Titan’s curse. Then it was the fourth book, The battle of the Labyrinth. That book was probably my favorite book in the whole series. And the Last book in the series is The Last Olympian, which is my second favorite book in the series. So the whole Percy Jackson series was just so good. But then Rick had to write another series that was five times better than than the first.
That series was The Heros of Olympus series. Book one which was The Lost Hero again was very good but for sure not the best one in the series in my opinion. Book two was the Son of Neptune, the Son of Neptune involved Percy Jackson unlike the first one. So of course I liked the Son of Neptune  because it had Percy back in it. That was a really good book because it was just so much action and in the end Percy finds what he needs, his memory. But hands down the best book is the Mark of Athena, it just had so many parts to it and gave me the chills every chapter. I love how all of the demigods go on little adventures and come back to continue saving the world,The House of Hades is just a grinding book with hard fought victory, that one was probably my second favorite. And the final book is the Blood of Olympus, the Blood of Olympus is also a really great book. And then the the next series.
In between the The Lost Hero and the Son of Neptune Rick Riordan decided to write a different series of books that involves egyptian gods rather than greek and roman gods in the Hero’s of Olympus. Book one The Red Pyramid was as pretty good but not the best one in the series. Book two The Throne of Fire was better than the first but still not my favorite in the series. And then there was book three The Serpent’s Shadow, I seemed to like that one the best because Carter gets to meet Percy in that one. So that series was pretty good.
And the last series that Rick Riordan has wrote is the Magnus Chase and the gods of asgard. I have bought the first book but have not read it yet but I will when I am done with the current series I am reading. I have also heard of Rick making another series called The Trials of Apollo which I am so pumped for. I just hope Rick keeps writing good book and I keep liking them because I like the series so much. I do recommend you reading Rick’s books and if you haven’t stop reading this and go read them.

The author's comments:

Its about a book series


This article has 1 comment.

Dollar1809 said...
on Mar. 11 2016 at 5:04 am
@Henry33 i have the same views. Percy Jackson is the heart of the series!