The Firm | Teen Ink

The Firm

March 12, 2009
By Ben Berthold BRONZE, Boise, Idaho
Ben Berthold BRONZE, Boise, Idaho
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The Firm is an action thriller written by John Grishman. This book holds your attention throughout the four hundred pages. It's about an ambitious lawyer named Mitch McDeere who just graduated from Harvard law School. His resume will let him go to any law firm he desires, but Mitch gets sucked into a deal he can't refuse. This small sketchy law firm out of Memphis offers Mitch a BMW, loan on a house and an amazing base salary. Mitch works sixteen hours a day every day, except Sundays and wants to become the youngest lawyer to partner. Mitch thrives in this new environment, until one day a FBI agent comes up to him on his lunch break and tells him that his firm has connections to the mob!
The FBI wants Mitch to help bring down his own firm and the mob from the inside. What Mitch doesn't know is that the firm watches his every move, listens to his conversations, and begins to become suspicious of him. Mitch will try and help the FBI as much as he can, but he begins to realize that he could very well be killed if he slips up. Can Mitch bring down the mob and convict his former co-workers. Will he try and run from his problems or will the mob catch him, and if he does get away the Mob never forgets.

John Grisham's style and genre was very different to what I have read in the past and in the beginning was kind of intimidating. The intensity and pace of this book was sometimes hard to keep up with, but I'm extremely glad I read it. I really enjoyed The Firm and it opened me up to a new variety of books. If you're up for a mind blowing sequence of events then I would definitely recommend this book to anyone.


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