Divergent by Veronica Roth | Teen Ink

Divergent by Veronica Roth

November 16, 2016
By ColtonLac BRONZE, Exeter, New Hampshire
ColtonLac BRONZE, Exeter, New Hampshire
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Veronica Roth, author of Divergent, catches the imagination and adventure of young adults all over the world. What sparked my interest while reading the first book of the Divergent series was how Roth, chose to start the book off with a negative beginning. It made me ponder, “how do I relate to this negative character, whom I haven’t met this far.” The futuristic society, which is known to be in the setting of Chicago, it is split into five factions, each representing a specific trait which the people of that faction must abide by. Dauntless the daring, Erudite the wise, Candor the straightforward, Amity the amicable, and Abnegation the selfless. Beatrice Prior, later known as Tris, belongs to the faction of, Abnegation. This plot-teaser book follows the main character Beatrice, who must make a challenging decision, at the age of 16, what faction she believes she belongs to. Before Beatrice chooses, she must take a test to guide her to the faction the system thinks she is best suited in. Beatrice must hid in the shadows and carry her secret in her daring faction. She will come close to death, fall in love, and must make the decision as to jump on that train to eternal peace, or suffer the consequences, because she is different. Divergent is the first book of the adventure filled trilogy which also includes the books, Insurgent, and Allegiant. This book will take you on an endless journey of, jaw dropping moments, heartache sorrow, and suspense packed action. Roth fills the book with twists,

and it is sure to keep you turning the pages late at night. This book is aimed for all young adult fantasy, adventure, and romance lovers. Though the book is rather long, and some characters don’t make the best first impression, once you finish the book, you will be left craving for the next book of the trilogy. There is no doubt you will have the second book at your fingertips. It was unarguably one of the best books, I’ve read and, If you are someone who loves a good, nail biting, heart pounding book. Then You’ll definitely want to add. Divergent to your must read books, because this book is for you.

The author's comments:

I was inspired to write this review because of my two very amazing English teachers. I hope my review gets people to pick up this truly fantastic book.


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