Jonathan Livingston Seagull by Robert Bach | Teen Ink

Jonathan Livingston Seagull by Robert Bach

January 26, 2017
By JacobFinnigan BRONZE, Ann Arbor, Michigan
JacobFinnigan BRONZE, Ann Arbor, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Bach, Richard. Jonathan Livingston Seagull. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1970. 125 pages

Apparently, seagulls can be some of the world's fastest flyers. Jonathan Livingston Seagull, by Robert Bach, is a short read. It took 35 mins to read.  All seagulls only learn to fly to find food and that’s it. Only a few have ever decided to pursue something different. Jonathan Livingston seagull wanted to become one of the fasted seagulls in the world. His parents were disappointed because he didn’t fly and search for food but went to practice his speed. Jonathan left his flock for a couple days. He learned so much about flight that when he dived he would reach 190 MPH. It took him so many tries that he even slammed into the water when diving from two-thousand feet. Jonathan flew home soon after that. Jonathan saw his flock and swooped down to tell them his discoveries, But soon was surrounded by the flock. The leader came forward and told him he was banished from his home and flock. No one would even listen to what he was trying to tell him. So he flew away to discover more about flight. He found out how to dive into the water ten feet deeper and eat the most delicious fish he has ever eaten. He soon died. Jon opened up his eyes to meet another seagull. The seagulls feathers so white they were blinding. That is where i’m gonna end it,

Being a book from the 70’s, I enjoyed reading it a lot. Usually, when a book is from 30 years ago or more, the grammar is way different then now.

Personally this book was the best I have read in awhile. Bach did an amazing job at describing what was happening and what the landscape looked like. I would recommend this book to everyone that likes a great short book that’s not for five year olds. This book inspired me to keep on doing what I love. Jonathan didn’t listen to what anyone was saying and became the fastest seagull in the world. I would definitely read this book again in the future. I would recommend this book to anyone that wants a quick read and want to have a book that will stick you with forever.


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