Controversy of Religion: The DaVinci Code | Teen Ink

Controversy of Religion: The DaVinci Code

March 23, 2009
By Maureen Dolan SILVER, Palm City, Florida
Maureen Dolan SILVER, Palm City, Florida
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Growing up in a strictly Catholic family, I was very sheltered from the true controversy of religion. I never realized how opinionated the topic was'until I read The DaVinci Code by Dan Brown.

Don't worry. This isn't another one of those reviews harassing the book. And this won't be a story praising the book and all it preaches. The fact is that The DaVinci Code helped me open my eyes and really see, even as a very religious girl, the true meaning of my relationship with God.

I believe that all Christians should accept three things: one, that god is the supreme power that rules over all; two, that Jesus Christ was born man and lived on this earth; and three, Jesus died and rose from the dead to grant us immortal life.

The DaVinci Code never goes against those three things. So Jesus was married. So what? I'm not saying that I believe what the book states, but would it make a difference in my life today if he had a wife?

This brings me to another point. Many people, when they hear 'The DaVinci Code', automatically criticize the book for how it goes against everything the Bible teaches us. That got me thinking: the Bible is a written account of Jesus' teachings. But who wrote them? Man. Whether we accept it or not, man is imperfect. The disciples could have written whatever they wanted and we would believe it today simply because it's written in the Bible.

I think that The DaVinci Code was written not to change our faith, but to test it. We aren't supposed to deny nor to accept the ideas represented in he book; instead we gain the knowledge of the true meaning of religion: to have faith and never stop believing.

So really, it all comes down to what you and you alone want to believe. Whether you are Catholic, Baptist, Methodist, Presbyterian, or any other form of Christianity shouldn't mean you have to believe only what people tell you to believe or what you read in a book. It is most importantly you and your relationship with God.


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