It's Kind of A Funny Story | Teen Ink

It's Kind of A Funny Story

March 25, 2009
By Kadie BRONZE, Otsego, Minnesota
Kadie BRONZE, Otsego, Minnesota
4 articles 5 photos 1 comment

I have never put my eyes on words that were so strong. This author has the special way of writing things that would keep the reader interested. This book was powerful because of the topic. Suicide is not something that people enjoy talking about. In this book, the main character checks himself into a hospital because he is afraid he is about to kill himself. In our society, men having mental problems is almost like tabboo. We wouldn't believe in it and it's not to be spoken of. This book really showed that it is true and that it's not weird or bad to have a problem. This book is deffinatly not just about suicide. There is humor in it. I found myself laughing at the little things that the author added in. The side characters making me fall in love with them. The girl who was shy but had a huge backround really opened my eyes to see others. I have told all of my friends to read this book, and I have yet to hear someone say it was a bad book. It will keep you interested during the whole thing. This book is definatly not for kids under the age of 12 though, there are some rather hot and steamy scenes which help piece the book togather.


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