Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell | Teen Ink

Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell

September 22, 2017
By RubyMendoza BRONZE, Arlington, Texas
RubyMendoza BRONZE, Arlington, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Fan girl is one of the best books I have ever read. I felt a connection with how Cath was feeling in the beginning of the book, because that was how I felt going into junior high with my brother. Cath and her twin sister, Wren, are going into college but are not going in live together. Wren wants to be independent and try new things, met new people, go to frat parties; while Cath doesn’t want to be independent but relays on wren too much, she doesn’t want to try new things, she doesn’t want to meet new people, nor does she want to go to frat parties honestly all she wants to do is stay home and write about Fanfiction all day. When I was reading the book I was relating to it so much, my brother has always been all about adventure, he loves trying new things while I rather stick to the stuff I know. Going into junior high, I wasn’t used to being without him since we were always doing everything together no matter what.  Cath and Wren might have the same DNA but they are different in too many ways possible but yet be some much alike at the same time? My brother and I might not have the same DNA but we might as well since we have almost everything in common but different in our little ways like Cath and Wren do, and because of that Wren starts to get into some trouble that might not end well if it continues the way it does. Can Cath and Wren get over it like any other siblings would or will things be hard and start to bring up the past, they both try to forget.

Quote #1
“’We’ve shared a room for 18 years’’ (Rowell 6) With this quote I get why Cath relays on her sister too much because she has always had her sister by her side and never had to do anything alone.
Quote #2
‘’’Cath, think about it. If we do this together, people will treat us like we’re the same person” (Rowell 7) With this quote I feel Cath would rather have people treat them as the same person than their own person.


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