My Thought On a Few Books | Teen Ink

My Thought On a Few Books

January 22, 2018
By TheStoryteller13 SILVER, Sutherland, Oregon
TheStoryteller13 SILVER, Sutherland, Oregon
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"When people told themselves their past with stories, explained their present with stories, foretold the future with stories. The best place by the fire was kept for, the storyteller."

Witches of Worm by Zilpha Keatley Snyder: I feel the chill of ghosts all around me, this is a very good chiller/shallow horror. I need to read this in autumn and on Halloween. Stories of cats are always good.

Stardust by Neil Gaiman: I finally have the book, this is really good. Ooh. Aw Yvain and Tristan fell in love just like in the movie. Ooookay that wasn't in the movie, but it’s still amazing.

Aha and the Jewel of Mystery by Blanche Boshinki: A story about a cat in Egypt? Sold. Another reason why I love cats, they're amazing.

Labyrinth by A.C.H. Smith: *flips page* this… *Flips another page* this is it! I’ve done nothing but read and reread this book….in under two days…and it’s all come down to this. The final act, and the fate of this beautiful realm in this one moment, I’m ready. *Finishes reading the book* Uh! *goes back and rereads the final act* NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! *sobs in my bedroom for a moment or so* I love this book.

The author's comments:

This is sort of a bit of a reccomendation list on books for people to give a read, I own all of them and I enjoy reading them.


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