Anthem by Ayn Rand | Teen Ink

Anthem by Ayn Rand

May 22, 2018
By ed.d.en BRONZE, Houston, Texas
ed.d.en BRONZE, Houston, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Selfish is something I would never want to be. I feel that everyone should have their own opinion on things.

To me everyone should be able to think for themselves. And, that everyone is their own self and their own being. In this story everyone is one being so no one can think for themselves. They don’t even know what “I” means. They only live under the word ”we”. So, one youth named Equality 7-2521 realized that he was smarter, taller, faster and quicker than anyone else. But, the council didn’t like that because everyone had to be the same. So, he ran away into the land of Unforgettable and met a girl named The Golden One. As he came back the Council noticed that he was late to an event so they punished him. Then, he ran away again to a different place and there he met her again.

In this The Council was furious because they wanted everyone to be the exact same. And, that no one can stand out, or even be their own person. I think that they think that they don’t want people to feel bad about themselves so they make everyone the same so no one is left out. But, that still doesn’t mean that making everyone the same is a good thing. I feel as if that everyone is unique and weird in their own ways. And, that being different is a good thing than everyone being the same.

When Equality 7-2521 realized that he is very smart he made a light bulb out of the things he found in the tunnel. But, unfortunately if you show The Council that they would just throw it away because everyone has to do the same thing, wear the same thing, and be the same person. Their world is a very dull place unlike here you can do anything you put your mind to. In their world The Council is selfish and wants everything the same. And, to me they probably don’t always live by the rules because people make mistakes because no one is perfect.
In my opinion, people are titled to have their own opinion and they were made to mess up. In this story if one person messes up they get punished. This just shows that no one can be the same even if they tried their hardest. It’s literally impossible. I think this story could be a story that motivates people to be different instead of being like everyone else. And, that being different isn’t a bad thing.

The Council only cares about themselves and the world they live in rather than the people that live in it. They are so surrounded by themselves that they don’t see the imperfect world and can’t see what or how people are feeling. This defines selfishness. Would you rather be put in a world where everyone is the same and nothing changes or a world where everyone is different and can have their own feelings and opinions, and everything changes. All Equality 7-2521 wants to do is live a little and live his own life the way he wants to. Instead of doing the same things, the same way, and at the same time. In all this just to have the same birthdays for everyone, every year a bunch of men and women go to a place just so they can “make babies”. And, this is all because they want the babies to be born at the same time, the same day, and the same way. But, wouldn’t that be messed if you had to celebrate your birthday with like 100 different people. Your birthday is supposed to be your day only, not 100 other people. I know I wouldn’t like that.

So if everyone would be their own person the world would be a better place. And, the world would have a lot of diversity. You be your own kind of different.

The author's comments:

I had to write this piece for an assignment. But overall I wanted to because it really showed me how to npt be selfish and how to be myself and not rely on others.


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