Welcome to Marwen | Teen Ink

Welcome to Marwen

April 14, 2019
By MovieReviewer_18 ELITE, Short Hills, New Jersey
MovieReviewer_18 ELITE, Short Hills, New Jersey
678 articles 0 photos 8 comments

Welcome to Marwen combines drama and fantasy together to create a tale that proves to be fairly emotional. The movie revolves around Mark Hogancamp, who was brutally attacked by a group of strangers, causing him to nearly die and have all of his memories be wiped away from him. No one expected Mark to be able to recover, but Mark has managed to slowly do the impossible, mostly thanks to a fantasy world that he creates. Mark creates a town that is made up of dolls and various other miniature structures to invent his very own town that he calls Marwen. Because Mark is an artist, he takes the time to transform the world of Marwen into a fantastic piece of art, which is made up of representations of the most important women in his life, whom all helped in his recovery. As Mark gains the courage to exist in his fantasy world, the same thing soon occurs in the real world. However, despite how comforting the world of Marwen may be, Mark begins to learn that he has to differentiate between the two and face his fears in the real world. 
 Welcome to Marwen manages to be an emotional roller coaster mostly because of the concept fueling the movie. Mark Hogancamp's story is just heartbreaking in general, especially considering that his entire life was ruined and put upside down just because he was slightly different. The beginning of the movie brilliantly jumpstarts the entire movie and introduces audiences to the likable Mark, which is a necessity for the rest of the movie. The middle of the movie does an alright job of progressing things along, although it seems like the movie gets somewhat lost in trying to balance between the fantasy world and real life at times. The enticing ending of the movie manages to excellently conclude the entirety of the movie and truly allows audiences to gain a newfound understanding of Mark. The actual conclusion of the movie is quite heartwarming and really makes viewers ponder. 

 Welcome to Marwen greatly benefits from some truly noteworthy visuals. Because the movie attempts to compare Mark's fantasy world with his real life, having visuals that truly capture the differences between the two and make Marwen look realistic are a necessity. Luckily, the amazingly vivid visual effects are called on early and often and do not disappoint. They are crucial to making Marwen seem like a real place that people could live in and are also artistic enough to allow viewers to understand how Mark's photography of Marwen works. The spectacular special effects are key to the outcome of the movie, and they allow the film to showcase all of the different sides of Mark's perspective, which naturally include the world of Marwen, which he uses as a healthy form of therapy and as an outlet. 

 Welcome to Marwen has a tremendous cast that shines in every sense of the word. Even though majority of the cast doesn't have that large of the role, since their roles are more important as dolls in Marwen than as real people, there is one actor in particular who stands out for being unbelievably notable. That actor is none other than the great Steve Carell. Steve brings emotion and intensity to the lead character of Mark, and due to his superb skills, it becomes impossible for watchers to not feel for his character on-screen. Without his awesome performance, the movie could have been a flop and a disaster. However, this is simply not the case, and Steve literally transforms into Mark, while also bringing the true story to life. His performance is one for the ages, because the grasp he gains on audiences' attentions through capturing them with pure acting talent is just so incredible. 

Welcome to Marwen is strangely not beloved by critics. Although everyone seems to agree that the movie is ambitious and attempts to accomplish things that others shy away from, it seems like the scores they received from critics aren't reflective of the daring styles that the movie tried to implement. Rotten Tomatoes gave the movie a poor 33%, which just feels way too low for a movie that tried to do so much. Furthermore, a low 79% of Google users liked the movie, which is beyond odd, especially considering that the star of the movie is a fan-favorite actor, and the concept behind the movie should have been enough to allow viewers to find contentment. It is unclear why both viewers and critics didn't seem to love the movie, but it shouldn't have the biggest impact on potential viewers, because it seems like viewers will either greatly enjoy the movie or not at all. 

 Welcome to Marwen is worth watching just for the fact that the true story that the movie is based off of deserves to be told triumphantly and Steve Carell's marvelous performance combine together to create a movie that welcomes audiences with open arms. 

The author's comments:

"They kicked every memory I ever had out of my head. Everything from before the attack is gone, so my dolls have to tell the story." - Mark Hogancamp


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