The Outsiders Review | Teen Ink

The Outsiders Review

June 12, 2019
By jannet8fernandez BRONZE, Sacramento, California
jannet8fernandez BRONZE, Sacramento, California
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The movie of the Outsiders takes place in Oklahoma in the 1960’s. It's about two different social groups, Greasers are poor teens with no parental guidance, low-income working class teens who  have to dropout of school to help financing their families, where they live on the east side of the town. The greasers dressed with leather jackets and lots of brylcreem cream on their hair. The other gang is the socs who are the rich kids with expensive cars and receive education with no worries and are good looking white boys and always looking for trouble and getting drunk.

The main character Ponyboy from the greasers gang had a terrible lost, both his parents had died in a car crash. Since then he has been in custody of his oldest brother Darry. He always compared Darry actions with those of his parents. He thought if his parents were alive he would be better off with them because Darry was too strict. Ponyboy also interpreted darry strictness as hate. He felt it was really unfair for him to have a brother who only yells at him and tells him what to do. He also felt life was unfair towards his other brother Sodapop who had dropped out of highschool to work at a gas station in order to help financing their family.

The socs were looking for a fight and saw Johnny one of the greaser gang members and Ponyboy sleeping at the park . The Socs descend on ponyboy, and boy pushes his head into big fountain, attempting to drown him. Johnny pulls out a knife trying to defined his friend and saves ponyboy from drowning by stabbing Bob. They ran away and hide in an old church away from the town. Climax of the story is when the church sets on fire during a school visits the church and some young kids become trapped inside. Ponyboy, johnny and Dallas a friend who came to visit the two boys, run into the church to save the young kids. They become heroes with their pictures spread all over the newspaper. The falling action of the story involves Johnny staying in the hospital because he was unlucky and was injured. He broken spine and severe burns he had when he recourse the kids. Also, after juvenile trials Ponyboy and johnny are declared as not guilty of the crime and Ponyboy is allowed to stay in custody of his oldest brother Darry.


However, the two gangs didn’t want to let their arguments rest until they fought a fair fight. So they arranged for a rumble planned between the socs and the greasers, ponyboy manages to get his older brother Darry to allow him to participate.The two gangs fought hard in the pouring rain, which the greasers had won the fight won. After the rumble, Dallas and Ponyboy go to visit Johnny and tell him about the fight they had, but he tells them that fighting won’t solve anything. Before dying in his hospital bed Dallas becomes anger about the tragic, unfair death of Johnny his love one. Dally runs away. He holds an unloaded gun to the to a clerk, and the police pursue him, believing him to be a dangerous criminal. As the rest of the greasers arrive at the location where the police have Dallas they yelled that he is holding an unloaded gun and is not a threat the police gun him down anyway.


The Outsiders discusses a variety of themes. The fist and major theme is the gap between the rich and the poor. The story shows that the rich take lots of advantage of their authority. They look down to greasers and see no value in them. They look at themselves as the better part of the society, hence they allow themselves to do whatever they want to do. But greasers have limitations, they can only defend themselves they could never allow themselves to start a fight with the socs because they would not get away with it like the socs do. The movie makes a valued point with this theme, which is that “bravery is not about what “class” you belong to. Bravery is more about individualism”.

The author's comments:

I really recommed this movie to everyone ! its really good 

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