Interstellar | Teen Ink


January 26, 2022
By kinyher9 BRONZE, Sacramento, California
kinyher9 BRONZE, Sacramento, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Interstellar is a spectacular movie that is one of the best in the entire science universe. The movie revolves around a diverse group of people who were chosen to reproduce on another world. Due to the fact that the world seems like its ending, Cooper(main character) has a daughter, son, and father, so he goes out to space to see if there’s hope for them to live with him on a another planet. Cooper trys to find his way home from outer space. However, when he discovers that they can’t live in the planet they were sent to check out, they lose time. They soon figure out that time is slower in a different universe and it causes issues. Time passes and Cooper’s kids grow older than him and the same age . But when things don't go according to plan, and a crazy slew of events occur, Cooper discovers that he’ll be able to go back and see his daughter, Finally arriving it seems as Murph was on her last days. Murph tells her dad(Cooper) to go find Brand(the lady who is supposed to be his mate) and he goes in a space shuttle. Before arriving Brand is left alone waiting on a whole different planet, waiting for Cooper to get to her.


    The movie has just about it all. There's an absolutely astonishing plot that manages to amaze viewers with its ability to unite relatable characters. The vivid visual effects are just stunning, and these superb special effects help to create an added punch of science fiction-esque to the movie, which creatively compliments the out-of-world features that the movie gloriously possesses. For example traveling back in time and meeting your former self, getting your hand warped by outer space, and etc. Imagine the possibilities the universe has in store but hasn’t been thought of


     After finishing the movie i felt like i’ve watched the best science-fiction film. I felt like I understood the way people think of the universe better.  I felt like I understood the way science evolve over time.  I felt like I understood the way the future works in a scientific way.  I wish I had seen this movie while taking a science class so that I could show my teacher and ask about her opinion about the universe. I wonder is astrology really related to science in a sort of way.

   The movies introduces new theories of relativity in ways we haven’t thought about. Which if we were going to find a different planet to live on there’s already different concept and possibilities already thought of. The movies is based off a story as if we were in the future and the world was slowly dying and we had to go search for another planet to live on this would be a whole theory plotted out.

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