One Hundred and One Dalmatians movie review from a dog enthusiasts | Teen Ink

One Hundred and One Dalmatians movie review from a dog enthusiasts

May 25, 2023
By Anonymous

The 101 Dalmatians movie, released in 1961, is a timeless classic that has captivated audiences for generations. Based on the novel by Dodie Smith, the film follows the story of Pongo and Perdita, two Dalmatians who fall in love and start a family. When their puppies are kidnapped by the evil Cruella De Vil, Pongo, and Perdita embark on a dangerous journey to rescue them.

One of the biggest strengths of the film is its charming characters. Pongo and Perdita are lovable and relatable protagonists, while Cruella De Vil is an iconic and unforgettable villain. The supporting cast of dog characters, including the comical Sergeant Tibbs and the heroic Colonel, are also memorable and entertaining. In the movie, Rod Taylor voiced Pongo, Betty Lou Gerson as Cruella De Vil and Cate Bauer as Perdita. Lisa Davis, who voiced Anita in 101 Dalmatians, also had voice roles in other Disney films such as "Sleeping Beauty" and "Lady and the Tramp."

A major highlight of the movie is its animation. The hand-drawn art style and colors are vibrant, bringing the film to life in precise detail. The film's many action sequences, for example, the thrilling chase through the streets of London, are also expertly animated and add to the film's excitement, making it dramatic for the audience. In addition to its beautiful animation, 101 Dalmatians also feature strong characters that embody the themes of the film.

One of the key themes of the film is the idea that love is unbreakable. Pongo and Perdita's love for each other drove them to danger in order to save their puppies from Cruella De Vil, and it is this same love that brings together a community of animals to help them in their journey. This theme is reinforced throughout the film, as we see other characters, such as the Colonel and Sergeant Tibbs, demonstrate their love for their own families. The film's themes of loyalty and courage are universal and resonate with audiences of all ages.

I really enjoyed watching this movie and it has been my favorite movie since I watched it as a child. I still remember the plot and the emotions when they were all reunited at the end. I definitely remember crying when I watched this movie.

Overall, 101 Dalmatians successfully captured the filmmaker’s purpose. The classic Disney film is renowned because it captivates audiences today as well. With its charming characters, beautiful animation, and timeless story, it is a must-see for anyone who loves heartwarming family films.

The author's comments:

Hey, I'm Jeffery Chen and I go to high school at East-West International School of Studies. I'm graduating this year and going to Baruch College in the fall semester. I love writing because it brings out another side of my creativity. Generally, I'm not a complex thinker because I like being straightforward with my words. However, when it comes to writing, a whole different passion opens up in my mind. I'll be writing and thinking about what to write in the following sentences. I really enjoy writing, especially film reviews because it's more fun to write about something you enjoyed watching and want to share with others.

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