Inside Out 2 movie review | Teen Ink

Inside Out 2 movie review

June 28, 2024
By Anonymous

Pixar’s “Inside Out 2” continues the exploration of human emotions. Directed by Kelsey Mann, the sequel follows Riley, now a 15-year-old just beginning high school. Her core emotions-Joy, sadness, anger, fear, and disgust-are joined by new emotions like embarrassment, envy, trust, and anxiety, reflecting the complex teenage life. The film’s animation is stunning, with different islands like Mind World, Room of Regrets and the Hall of Hormones, blending humor with deep emotional insights. The script was written to show the teenage challenges with humor and heart. It teaches valuable lessons about self - acceptance and the importance of embracing all of your emotions. One of the most impactful scenes in the movie is when Riley confronts her insecurities and fears head-on. This moment is beautifully portrayed, showing the internal struggle and eventual success of accepting oneself, flaws and all. It’s a powerful message for teenagers who are often grappling with their identities and self-worth.“Inside Out 2” also brings friendship and family dynamics, highlighting the main point of communication and understanding. It shows that even if emotions are sometimes overwhelming, they are essential to human connections. In conclusion, "Inside Out 2" is a stellar sequel that not only matches but in some ways surpasses the original. It’s a touching and thought-provoking film that offers a deeper understanding of the emotional journey of adolescence. With its captivating animation, excellent voice acting, and meaningful storyline, it is a movie that resonates with audiences of all ages. This film is a reminder that growing up is not just about experiencing joy, but also about embracing and learning from every emotion along the way. 

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