Waitress | Teen Ink

Waitress MAG

By Anonymous

Why is it that some of the best and most original movies are seldom advertised? I was asking myself this as I watched “Waitress,” a film I had not heard of beyond spotting it at Blockbuster.

I was intrigued by the prospect of a movie about pie. I figured if the entire feature was completely terrible, hey, it would still be about pie and I wouldn’t feel completely ripped off. But as it began, my views changed and I realized this is not just a movie about everyone’s favorite dessert.

“Waitress” is the story of Jenna (Keri Russell), a young woman working at a small-town diner. She has a gift for making pies, which she names after whatever happens to be on her mind at the time.

Her life is far from perfect, however. She has a cruel, sexist, and slovenly husband named Earl (Jeremy Sisto) who completely controls her life. She dreams of winning a pie contest and earning enough money to escape her unhappy marriage.

Jenna’s hopes are crushed when she finds out that after a night of drunken debauchery, she is pregnant with Earl’s baby. With nothing else to do, she visits her doctor (Nathan Fillion), and after a few appointments the two begin an unlikely love affair.

“Waitress” is a bittersweet, homey movie that will warm your heart and make your stomach growl. Go see it – but make sure you have a slice of pie waiting for you – trust me, you’ll need it.

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This article has 2 comments.

on Mar. 13 2010 at 3:17 pm
BasketballChick5, San Diego, California
0 articles 1 photo 114 comments

Favorite Quote:
:)Just Do It:) <3

I love this move it totally rocked!!! It was awesome now twilight is Dawl!!!!

Ashley S. said...
on Sep. 25 2008 at 3:38 pm
I watched "Waitress" when it first came out. I wasn't impressed. I thought it was really dull. It wasn't the story line that was bad it was the lenght of each scene and the bad acscents. It took me three days to finish the movie.