Saving Private Ryan | Teen Ink

Saving Private Ryan

February 15, 2008
By Anonymous

Saving Private Ryan, in my eyes, was an amazing movie, showing the real feel of war. The movie had an amazing cast, and director, including Steven Spielberg as the director, Tom Hanks, as Captain John H. Miller, Matt Damon as Private James Francis Ryan, and many others. The movie is about eight soldiers, sent to find Private Ryan, the only survivor of his brothers. Steven Spielberg has captured, what war really looks like.

The movie begins with the Invasion of Normandy. This shown a lot great camera work, and amazing work by actors. Tom Hank's character, Cpt. Miller, was given a task to round up his man, and find a soldier, Private Ryan. All of the character had different personalities, and reacted to each other differently. Cpt. Miller's crew, dint like the idea of going after one single soldier. Through there journey they had encountered the Germans, who were the enemies in WWII. In one dramatic scene, Private Caparzo, played by Vin Diesel, was shot by a German sniper. They hid into cover, and only watching, him die. The rest I will leave for you to see.

Overall I loved "Saving Private Ryan". It showed amazing realism of war, wit dramatic effects. They movie used a great cast, who knew what they were doing. I dint see any problems with the movie. The movie had great action scenes, and great dialog, I give this movie a 10/10.

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on Jan. 30 2010 at 4:25 pm
ColumbusFlame95 BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
3 articles 0 photos 6 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Nobody is worth your tears, and the one who is won't make you cry."
"Pain is candy...Eat it up." - Amy :)

i completely agree! this is my all-time favorite movie!