Pitch Perfect | Teen Ink

Pitch Perfect

April 19, 2013
By Rocky48 BRONZE, Berwyn, Pennsylvania
Rocky48 BRONZE, Berwyn, Pennsylvania
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Motion Pitch-ure Perfect
Pitch Perfect was a recent movie picture phenomenon that swept the nation. It is a comedy with plenty of laughs, singing, fights, and some romance, many of which due to an audience favorite, Fat Amy. The acapella group the Barden Bellas go head-to-head with the fellow Barden group the Trebelmakers in a heated battle for first place collegiate acapella group.
The main character Beca is forced by her father to go to college, Barden University. She attends BU but her father senses that she is unhappy, and tells her to join a club. Beca joins the Barden Bellas, an acapella singing group that competes in collegiate acapella competitions. But conflict arises when Beca wants to make the Bellas' sound unique, while the head, Aubrey, wants everything to be perfect. And a boy named Jesse is there for Beca to lean on,even though Beca prefers to stand alone. Events unfold throughout the movie, with rivalry, singing, drama, and Fat Amy's and Bumper's antics tying the comedy together.
Anna Kendrick, playing Beca, did a wonderful job creating and portraying her character. Past works show that Anna is able to play bubbly and open as well as dark and closed off. Kendrick plays Beca as a misunderstood girl ho doesn't want to let anyone in. And fan favorite Fat Amy is played by Rebel Wilson, an actress with a knack for comedy. She play her role up, making everyone laugh with her classic lines, "I've been shot!" when she's hit by a burrito, and "Horizontal running," when Amy doesn't feel like working on cardio. Those two stood out as actors, though everyone else was amazing as well.
The movie was one of the best I've seen. One part I really enjoyed was when Bumper throws a burrito at Fat Amy from the window of a bus, and she screams, "I've been shot!" Another part of the movie I found especially entertaining was during the "Riff-off". A Riff-off is where there's a topic given, and the acapella groups have to come up with a song that matches the topic as quickly as possible, and begin to sing before the other groups. I personally like the Riff-off because the singing was out of this world, and there was humorous flirting between Beca and Jesse, which appeals to a person's sentimental side. But the parts I don't like are when Aubrey throws up. It happen twice, and both times the vomit is a disgusting shade of orange; and it doesn't just come out, it shoots out like a bullet from a gun in gallons. It is a gross sight for the eye.
There are to main morals in this movie. Taught through Beca, one is that you shouldn't close yourself off from the world and its emotions. The second is that perfect isn't always so perfect. This is taught by Aubrey when the Bellas go through some troubles, thanks to her.
The group of people who would like this movie are girls ages 11-25, but it also has certain appeals to for males as well. I reccomend Pitch Perfect more to younger viewers, not so much parents. Pitch Perfect is PG-13, but can be viewed in my opinion by anyone ten years and older. I give it five stars out of five.

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