Olympus has Fallen | Teen Ink

Olympus has Fallen

May 14, 2013
By Tanksnstuff BRONZE, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
Tanksnstuff BRONZE, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Insert Quote"-Morgan Freeman

Olympus Has fallen

All hell has broken loose. In the middle of Washington Dc. Bullets are raining down, planes are being shot down, and most of the city is being gunned down. Oh, and didn't i mention Morgan Freeman is thrown into the mix? A movie with great special effects and some pretty awesome lines. Welcome to Olympus Has Fallen.

This would have been the worst movie ever without the special effects. There’s so much used in the action in this movie. Explosions in the street, sky, and neighboring buildings helps to add to the tension. not to mention armies in every possible place to stand shooting at each other. The occasional plane is shot down in the middle of this carnage.

It’s impossible to have a movie with morgan freeman in it and not have some good quotes. one of the most memorable quotes from the movie was when the main character Mike Banning radioed the enemy. “Lets play a game called “f*** off” you go first.” During a scene Mike Banning required a code; “The code is One, seven, nine, Star, four, percent, Hashtag.” “What the f*** is a hashtag?!”

As great a movie as this was it had some drawbacks. the worst was probably the unlikely kills. Most were headshots but the problem was they were basically impossible. Another con is that a lone gunship survived so long against fighter jets and missiles. It had a bit of a Michael Bay feel to it. Bay is known for his explosion filled movies with twisting plots. The Chicago Sun Times gave this movie a 86%, “While Olympus Has Fallen breaks no major new ground in the political thriller genre, Fuqua has directed a sharp, very taut adventure that keeps you engrossed from start to finish.”

The special effects were incredible, along with the dialogue. It had a few cons but Morgan Freeman’s acting and action makes up for it. Suspenseful, but the action might have been overdone. As much of a knockoff as it seems, it is definitely worth taking the time to watch. I enjoyed this movie, and according to rottentomatoes.com, 85% of the people that watched it did too. Why not spend a few hours and watch what critics are calling “Die Hard in the Whitehouse.”

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