Fantasia 2000 | Teen Ink

Fantasia 2000 MAG

By Anonymous

   "Fantasia2000" is one of my favorite films because it combines two of themost important elements of art: music and animation.

One specialsegment is set to the music of The Carnival of the Animals. In it we seea flock of flamingos dancing in the water. The oddball flamingo (the oneI relate to) adds humor; he can't stop playing with his yo-yo no matterwhat happens to him or the other flamingos.

Another section showsthe never-ending renewal of the earth using Stravinsky's FirebirdSuite.

One of the longest segments sets whales dancing a wondrousballet in the Arctic Ocean to Respighi's Pines of Rome.

Myfavorite segement, though, is "Noah's Ark," featuring Donaldand Daisy Duck loading and unloading the ark to the strings of Elgar'sPomp and Circumstance. I will never see a graduation procession the sameway again.

"Fantasia 2000" has presented itself as arightful heir to the Disney magic of movies; it was worth the wait.


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i love this so much!