Life of Pi | Teen Ink

Life of Pi

April 11, 2014
By Anonymous

Life of Pi: Life of Courage

Most people like to imagine themselves doing something that can’t happen. For example, having super powers or befriending dragons. When you are sleeping you think of crazy things that may not even be realistic. So in movies, there is a genre that has both real and fantasy. That genre is called fantasy adventure. Life of Pi is an example of this genre because it contains humans, which is normal, and there are tigers on a small boat with a human in the middle of nowhere! Most of us get happy when we get something we want. Getting what we desire is a reason as to why we like fantasy adventure films. We like to let our minds wander into the world where you can do whatever you want.

Life of Pi isn’t just a regular fantasy or normal adventure. It stands on the border between the two. Life of Pi has fantastical yet exhilarating parts to it. This film has parts where the fantasy kicks in. For example, there is the idea of wild animals living with humans. Also, when Pi reaches and island after a long time drifting in the ocean there are cannibalistic trees! That is obviously not real. In contrast, there is the genre of realistic. In the film, there are moments where realism is shown. One of many moments is when Pi and his family have to move due to the issues with the government and business.

Do you like movies that make you motivated to do whatever you want? Well, Life of Pi is the one. Life of Pi is about a young boy who was a vegetarian and a Hindu. This boy’s name was Pi. Pi begins to study Christianity and Islam. At the end of his study, he chose to stick with all three religions. Pi’s father decided to sell the zoo and move his family to Canada. To get there they boarded a ship that eventually leads to the death of his family. Pi is the only survivor and he was drifting in the middle of the ocean with a group of animals. Richard Parker, a tiger, was sitting inside the small boat. All the animals eventually kill each other and the victor was the tiger. On the boat there was only Pi and Richard Parker. Soon enough Pi began to adapt with the tiger. At the end, it was all a story that Pi told to the interviewers about how he managed to survive the sinking ship. In this film, there are many different moments where you can tell what fantasy is and what isn’t. This is what makes it a good fantasy adventure movie.

Life of Pi is a good movie that will isn’t similar to any movie I have ever seen. It has an interesting story line. Pi’s family is moving to Canada, but everyone dies besides him. Now that’s not realistic but that is what makes it great. It is because of the nonrealistic idea that allows the person to feel suspense of what’s going to happen next. Is the boy going to be killed by the tiger or will he remain firm in his belief of not eating meat? While watching this movie you make ask yourself these questions? That is why Life of Pi is a good movie to watch.

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