Hunger Games | Teen Ink

Hunger Games

May 7, 2014
By BryceEvans BRONZE, Scottsdale, Arizona
BryceEvans BRONZE, Scottsdale, Arizona
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Recently I went to the movie theatres to see the new Hunger Games movie. Everyone I talked to said it was one of the best movies they had every seen. I saw the first Hunger Games movie and I was not too impressed. I was bored easily could not get through it. I have only read the first book of the series so I did not know the plot of the second one at all. I was going into this movie completely blind.

Without looking at the plot the acting was fantastic. Jennifer Lawrence who plays the main character, Katniss Everdeen, really stepped up into her role. I felt how the pain and suffering that the character went through the entire movie. Also I understood how torn the character was the entire film. Josh Hutcherson who played the other main character was not this frail weakling anymore like in the first film. He played his role perfectly and transformed his character into a strong dependable person.

The plot of this movie is what hooked me. Since I only read the first book I had no idea what the story of Catching Fire would be. It was amazing to say the least. I cannot count how many times I was amazed with what was happening in the story. During the movie when one point was starting to slow down it hits with another new plot aspect. In the end of the movie Katniss shoots an electric arrow into the sky destroying the dome covering the island. In doing this she discovers the revolution to take back the country. After that part I remember thinking, “When will the next Hunger Games come out I need to see the next one now”.

I recommend this movie to anyone who loves dystopian environments. Also I recommend this to anyone who loves action movies. I absolutely loved this movie and cannot wait for the next installment.

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