Taken | Teen Ink


May 7, 2014
By Emily Klein BRONZE, Scottsdale, Arizona
Emily Klein BRONZE, Scottsdale, Arizona
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Taken is by far my favorite movie. Why can I say that? Well, I’ve only seen it about 30 times. I don’t know what it is about the movie exactly which draws me in so deeply. I am a teenage girl, and this movie is all about a girl my age being taken by foreigners to be sold as prostitutes, and her crazy, amazing fighter of a father coming to rescue her. Shouldn’t I be creeped out by this type of movie? No! I love this movie! I also love Liam Neeson. His acting in this movie is amazing and the boldness of his character within the movie really draws me in. I love action movies, or so called suspenseful thrillers. This movie is definitely not for children, but it is a great movie overall. The acting is phenomenal, the action is crazy, and the plot line is unforgettable. Everything about the movie is just great! The thing I love the most about the movie is how enticing and realistic it is. I get bored and uninterested in movies that are too far-fetched. It’s scary to think that the type of things that go on in the movie, like the kidnapping and selling of girls really happens in real life, but that’s what makes it appealing. The first time I saw this movie I was amazed how attentive I ended up being. The movie kept my heart racing and the story was brilliant. The movie starts out with Kim’s (Maggie Grace) birthday party, the daughter of Bryan (Liam Neeson). From the start it is shown how much Bryan cares about Kim and how protective he is over her. The fact the he is a former CIA operative can make his protectiveness seem a little overboard, especially to a teenage girl. Having a protective father of my own along with a protective brother, the beginning of the story relates to me somewhat and others as well. The fact that the movie is relatable in the beginning really draws me in. Kim’s mother Lenore (Famke Janssen) is divorced from Bryan and currently married to another guy. The new husband sets an emotional mood in the movie. He is extremely wealthy, and Bryan being not so wealthy, is not able to meet up to his standards on that level. This causes the audience to feel for Bryan and the way he seems like he does not feel as equipped as the stepfather. The set-up is reasonable and relatable to a lot of people in society in our day and time. The action begins one night at a concert in which Bryan is called to help be on security for. Bryan shows off his skills when fighting off the attempted murderer of the singer in which they are escorting. He also shows his soft side when comforting her after the frightening incidence. This part in the movie really sets it off. It is a fantastic scene that unexpectedly gets your heart racing, or mine at least. The whole scene was what had me initially excited to see what was next. Shortly after when Kim asks to go to Paris with her friend, Bryan is skeptical. He finally allows her to go but with an international cell phone and instructions to call him every day. Viewers who know how important it is to make sure their kids are safe can understand where Bryan is coming from. After arriving in Paris and being taken to the house in which they are staying, the action begins again. Kim watches as her friend is kidnapped and calls her dad in freight. The scene is nerve racking. It keeps your attention the whole time and makes you feel as though you are in the movie. After Kim is abducted, Bryan sets off to get his little girl back after learning that they are used for human trafficking. Once again, the emotional side of the story sets in and gives your heart another clench. The action is extreme when Bryan shows off his intellectual skills in fighting off the “bad guys.” The intensity that comes out of Bryan’s fighting gets you fired up and following his every step. After countless attacks, he finally gets Kim back. It is a beautiful moment when they finally see each other again. It adds peace to the movie and allows for a joyous ending. The movie is fascinating. I never pass up the chance to watch it and I never get bored with it. It may not be appealing to all audience, such as children or people who don’t like action thrillers, but to me, it’s captivating! The amount of energy in this movie is unreal. After watching this movie, I end up wanting to run around the world in suspense just like Bryan does in the movie. Call me crazy, but this movie gets me pumped up. I recommend this movie to everyone. It is alluring, thrilling, and ingenious. It brings out all sorts of emotion all relating back to the love of a father. Anger, sadness, peace, love and hatred are all shown within this unbelievable movie. If you haven’t seen it, I recommend that you do. You won’t be disappointed!

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