Django Unchained | Teen Ink

Django Unchained

October 29, 2014
By beautifuldancer15 BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
beautifuldancer15 BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Why is it important to try to save the one you truly love with all your heart? Well let me tell you about this man named Django who was a slave but thanks to Dr. Shultz became free and got in the bounty hunting business. The reason why this strange man came up out of nowhere to rescue this slave is so he could help him to become a strong and independent slave so he could fight for both his life and his wife.

Django and the doctor had a very strong connection like the kind of connection we have today if you have my back I have your back and no matter what happens I will continue to fight for you and fight by your side. Django and the doctor were really close that Django stared telling the doctor about his life story which was how he was married and how both him and his wife ran off so they could live free as a husband and wife.

Doctor Schultz and Django started their quest to find 3 brothers that had beaten Django and his wife due to the fact that they were over seers for any plantation, so they stop at this man’s plantation named Big Daddy and big daddy was the man that hired these men to oversee his plantation so what Django did he ask his tour girl if she knew them and were they were, Django and the doctor found them and killed them for murder and stage coach robbery.

Django and Dr. Shultz went all the way to Mississippi to find his wife, but when he found out where she was he had to take in a big consideration that the man who had his wife was one of the men who had the largest plantation in Mississippi called Candy Land. The clever Dr. Shultz in my opinion was one of the most well spoken men that has ever played the role of someone important to bring justice and peace and not be arrested for it, so what happened was the Doctor and Django found where the plantation owner was and started to commence to their plan to get Hilde back, Django’s wife. Then one night while making the deal the servent Stevin found something a little fishy about the whole situation and told Calvin Candy his master about what was going on.
Django and Dr. Shultz were in a very tight spot at this point, they were hold at their own will to either pay 12000 dollars for Django’s wife or to watch her die in front of him, so in the eyes of compassion the Doctor paid Calvin and brought Hilde’s freedom, but that wasn’t the end of it after the signing of the papers and the farewells, there was another argument between the Doctor and Calvin about shaking hands to finalize the purchase of Django’s wife, but that’s not how it went down, the Doctor was so ticked off about what was being done to the slaves and shout Calvin Candy right in his heart, then the sheriff shout the doctor in his heart then the Almighty Django started a blood war and killed everyone in his path until he gave up to save his wife.

Sidebar: Is it really worth it to lose your life or have to be rotting in jail for murder and robbery or should you just be smart and think twice before you make a mistake.

The author's comments:

this piece is about how trying or saving your loved ones is more important then anything else in the world, that no natter the situation the love you have for your family is the world so you will do any and everything you can to protect them.

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