Up | Teen Ink


January 28, 2015
By Tessabarnezz SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
Tessabarnezz SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Dear automatic flushing toilet, I enjoy your enthusiasm but I wasn't done yet.

(SPOILERS) “My name is Dug. I have just meet you, and I love you.” Dug, an unloved dog, finds a loving family. If anyone has ever watched the movie “UP” then they know it’s a classic. “UP” was an emotional roller coaster. This movie has made me feel everything, it was also extremely humorous! This family movie got an average 4.5 out of 5 on ratings, in Redbox. So many reviews talk about how emotional they got from it. For an example Alan Jones said “Up is breathtaking in its imaginative detail and astonishing in its emotional range.”

In the movie, it was sad, then happy to shocking, there is also young love. Carl, a little boy, full of adventure, meets little Ellie, a spontaneous kid. There were heartbreaking moments such as loss of a child and a wife. Depression, of what’s loss, hope of the promises, shock, and happiness came from the movie. The directors did a wonderful job at showing the hardships at life that the main characters had to face.

“UP” is a heartwarming story full of the characters emotions, and how they changed throughout the movie. Carl, a grumpy old man, becomes more loving and caring again. Russell, a boy scout, learns to have courage and stick up for his friends when they are in need. A dog named Dug, the outcast of the pack, after he finds Russell and Carl, a make shift family, he is loved once again. Director and co-director Pete Doctor and Bob Peterson displayed the change in characters throughout the film.

Carl promised Ellie when they were young that they would go and live in Paradise Falls. Sadly, that she didn’t get to experience it herself, so Carl slaves away to make it to Paradise Falls for his wife. Throughout the movie you can see it bring out what the characters really believe in.

They had dreams just like everyone else does but their dreams to Paradise Falls didn’t lay out how they wanted it to be. Carl made friends, and a role model became an enemy. Dug the Dog saw Carl and it was love at first sight. “My name is Dug. I have just meet you, but I already love you.” Carl was happy he was no longer going to be alone. “UP” was such an emotional roller coaster just as inspirational too.

I would highly suggest seeing this movie, “UP” is a really good family movie. I enjoyed it with my family. To be totally honest this may be a family movie but it is such a good one you shouldn’t pass up on watching it. In this movie teaches that love always prevails, even if it is not how it was planned.

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on Sep. 2 2017 at 9:10 am
Realjay41 DIAMOND, Culpeper , Virginia
81 articles 1 photo 91 comments
I love this review of up!