Stuck in Love | Teen Ink

Stuck in Love

December 25, 2015
By Anonymous

My love for Stuck in Love can barely be described in words. It is just like what Rusty points out to be a great quote from Stephen King; “The most important things are the hardest to say.”

The first time I saw Stuck in Love was in the middle row of a Honda minivan on the lengthy way to and from an amusement park in late summer of 2015. My family has season passes to an amusement park, so trips there are quite common throughout our bland summer. Stuck in Love provided a good distraction to a trip that got very boring, very fast.

Where had the movie come from though? It wasn’t exactly new. I watched Stuck in Love for the first time three years after it was made. The day before I had found myself with my mom at a consignment store. Browsing the used books and movies shelves, Stuck in Love caught my eye. I’m not sure where I first heard of the movie, but the titled seemed to ring a bell. I picked it up and turned to the back where I read the description. Next, I searched up the trailer on my phone. Stuck in Love intrigued me and luckily, I easily convinced my mom to buy it.

My first impression of Stuck in Love was probably “Wow… this is why it is rated R.” I’ll admit I have lived a sheltered life. Most movies I’ve seen are PG Disney animations and a few PG-13 love stories here and there. I could count on my left hand the amount of R rated movies I had seen.

But on a serious note, Stuck in Love is a genius masterpiece. The characters are so real, the plot is amazing, and I love how everybody has their own story. I’ve always been a sucker for those movies that follow the stories of multiple people who are completely different, but yet connected in some way. Stuck in Love follow’s Bill and Erica’s struggle with their past relationship, Rusty’s struggle with his first love who is struggling to get control on her life, and Sam’s journey through discover love when she had lost hope in it.

The movie is just, for a lack of words, amazing. I still get emotional over Lou’s mom and Rusty’s heartbreak after watching it numerous times in the past few months. My victory over Erica’s return is probably too triumphant than for a girl who has seen the ending millions of times. What really never fades though, is my connection. I’m a young high schooler who has in no way, shape, or form experienced true love or problems like those in Stuck in Love. Yet, I have had trials in the past, and know there is an infinite amount to come. Stuck in Love just really makes me feel and sometimes I find myself relating to the characters one way or another.

This entire thing has probably been a mess to your brain. I’m no writer, despite for my love on a movie about writers. I just believe everybody should know about the wonderful creation that is Stuck in Love.

The author's comments:

I watched Stuck in Love just a few hours before writing this, so I was still an emotional mess. SOrry.

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