NF music review | Teen Ink

NF music review

February 24, 2022
By VannaBandit SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
VannaBandit SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I think NF’s song “Mansion” is the deepest song of his about himself and his trauma that I have ever heard “My mind is a home I’m trapped in/And it’s lonely inside this mansion.” This is just an example of NF’s amazing, deep, heartfelt music. One of the biggest things that set him apart from others in the genre is that he speaks openly about his struggles with mental health and attending therapy. And despite not identifying himself as a Christian artist, he talks openly about his faith and the role it plays in managing his mental health. This isn’t something I usually find in rap songs, and the positive response to his music shows that it’s something teens and adults alike crave more of. I think that NF is the best music artist of all time. His music and the meaning behind all of it comes from the heart and his childhood experiences. It can affect people in all sorts of ways but for the most part, it helps people get through their troubles because they can relate to someone.

NF has two siblings, both of them sisters. They had a troubled childhood while growing up in Gladwin. NF was just a kid when his parents divorced and his mother won custody of him and his other two siblings. His mother had opioid addiction which greatly affected their lives. Later on, his mother started dating with the hope her three kids would finally get a father figure in their lives. Unfortunately, her boyfriend was physically abusive. Due to this NF’s father gained back custody of his three kids. Despite living with his dad he used to communicate with his mother but soon he noticed that a social worker was assigned to monitor their conversation. When NF got into high school he cut all connections with his mother. When he was 18 in 2009 he received a tragic phone call from his grandmother. She told him that his mother had overdosed and passed away. His song ‘How Could You Leave Us‘ in the album Therapy Session was inspired by the death of his mom. So because of what happened to him in the past, his music is better than any other in my opinion because he is so real and there is such deep meaning behind his lyrics.

After all of his childhood trauma, he needed an “escape” as he called it. So he picked up music as a hobby which eventually turned into a career. He started making music about the trauma. In “The Search” NF raps about OCD, struggle, the difficulty that fame has brought, a lack of “me time” and even admits to having a breakdown. He fully admits to the fact that he goes to therapy. This is one reason that so many teenagers today are connecting with him, just like me. Many teenagers are under pressure and are struggling, so they connect with his honesty and realness. When I was younger, music was either happy, sappy, or bragging about their lives. I love how real NF is in his music. What has always impressed me about NF is the raw emotion in his songs. He admits that everything is not okay, which is something that many people struggle with. NF does not brag about how cool he is or how much money he has, and I believe this is one of the reasons that people respond so well to his messages. When I finally realized the messages he was putting across I realized how much it was affecting me.

NF’s music is extremely passionate and personal. I’ve laughed and cried while listening to his music more times than I’d probably like to admit. Certain songs of his can take me back to a completely different time in my life, and others have taught me things about myself, and the world around me. His music has helped me in ways I can’t even explain. When I'm in a bad mood I listen to “How Could You Leave Us”, “Mansion”, and “Lie.” When I'm in a good mood I listen to “When I Grow Up”, “Hands Up”, and “Therapy Session.” His music soothes my bad moods and intensifies my good moods. His music is the kind of music I can lay in bed and cry to, but by the next song, I could be screaming in the car with the biggest smile on my face. I think his music is so good because of the childhood trauma that got him into music and all the deep meanings behind his songs and the fact that it can affect people so much just amazes me.

Because of the childhood trauma that got him into music, all the deep meanings behind his songs, and the fact that it can affect people so much. I think NF is the best music artist of all time. You should go listen to some of his music and see if you agree with me. “My mind is a home I’m trapped in/And it’s lonely inside this mansion” – NF “Mansion” Lyrics. Now looking at these lyrics after reading all these incredible things about NF do you realize what I mean when I say he has the deepest, most real, most heartfelt music I've ever heard? NF’s song “Remember This” has my favorite quote he's ever written: “I don’t rap so millions of people will like me/I rap because there are millions of people just like me.”

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