Zach Bryan Album Review | Teen Ink

Zach Bryan Album Review

November 21, 2023
By 5tolzman GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
5tolzman GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

August 25, 2023. Zach Bryan released his new album, Zach Bryan and it has found its way into many peoples recently played songs—including mine. 

I have always loved Zach Bryan, his songs are very relatable and listening to them brings me joy. Whenever I listen to him I immediately start singing and I spark up in happiness. Since his new album was released I have had it on repeat. Zach Bryan is not afraid to lay his bare emotions into his music. The songs in the album allow the listeners to know what he has gone through and how he feels, bringing a lot of emotion. 

First on the album is not actually a song, it is a poem called “Fear and Friday’s (poem)”. It features wise words that explain how  Zach Bryan has done a lot in his life and has seen many things. In his poem he says, “Yeah, I think fear and Fridays got an awful lot in common, they are overdone and glorified and they always leave you wanting”. His poem shows the listeners a lot about himself. Zach Bryan starts his album with a poem strayed from typical artists' new releases and is a very unique way of sharing his feelings. Zach Bryan’s strategy for his music has allowed him to be a very successful artist. 

Zach Bryan’s most popular song off of his new album that sat at number one on the Billboard 200 is, “I Remember Everything”. Zach Bryan gets most of his inspiration from other songwriters, that is why he includes other artists featured in his song. This song features Kacey Musgraves. The story that these two artists share in this song is powerful and meaningful. The song is both sad and potent. The song represents what went wrong in his past relationship, “Strange words come on out of a grown man’s mouth when his mind’s broke”. Overall this song has strong meaning to it and has meaningful lyrics that sound good put together. 

The next most popular song is “Hey Driver”. This song features The War and Treaty who is a duo of a husband and wife that sings country. This song is another well written song, Zach Bryan manages to weave together a heartfelt story telling with emotion and vocals. The lyrics reveal the sense of struggle, resilience, and redemption: “Hey, driver, pull on over I'm in a fight with God” Zach Bryan is honest  with his audience and himself. His lyrics in this song are personal and relatable,  touching on universal themes of pain, loss, grief, and longing for a better tomorrow. 

Another song off his album that is highly ranked is “Smaller Acts”. I personally am not the biggest fan of this song. The song is still well written and possesses meaning. I don’t like this song because it is too slow and is not up-beat at all. This is a popular song on his new album but I don’t like it. There are animal noises in the background of the song and it sounds like you're in the middle of the woods listening to the animals around you. Although I am not a fan of this song, it possesses good meaning. This song is about a girl who appreciates the little things, sees the good things in life, and sees beauty in everything.

Zach Bryan is an artist that sticks out from the rest, he is continuously releasing chart topping, stadium filling new music and will continue to grow. Zach Bryan is not only a singer, but also a storyteller. All his music will forever mean something to music lovers and will always have a powerful and inspiring meaning.

The author's comments:

Music has always played a big role in my life and will always bring me joy. This artist, Zach Bryan, in particular has always influenced me to be the best person I can be. His music spreads numerous messages and carries great meaning. 

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