JULIE Concert: They will be Relished | Teen Ink

JULIE Concert: They will be Relished

March 15, 2024
By lilymaria BRONZE, North Hollywood, California
lilymaria BRONZE, North Hollywood, California
1 article 1 photo 0 comments

   JULIE, a band that captivated the internet in peak 2020, came out with their first single, “Flutter” getting lots of recognition on social media and platforms like “Tik Tok.” Since then, they've been on a steady rise getting over 600,000 monthly listeners on Spotify and 27k followers on Instagram. They’re well known in the Shoegaze community as they have been bringing back that old ethereal sound in such a noteworthy way. Although being based here in Orange County, CA, there is an unfortunate lack of concerts in the area. So upon hearing of their US Tour, many jumped at the opportunity to see them, including myself. Tickets sold out fast, all to see members Alex Brady, Dillon Lee, and Keyan Pourzand. This all proved to be in good vindication. The venue was small, and the crowd was made up of all types of people, everyone was kind, chill even. But upon the arrival of the two openers, “Rocket” and “Blimp,” everyone let loose, their sounds both complemented the anticipated main act and thus amped up anyone listening. However, nothing beat when “Julie” went on. They played several songs, ranging from popular hits to new releases, and mysterious untitled songs. Nonetheless, each song was captivating in its own right. 

   In interviews, the band stated that while their songwriting process remains the same, they understand music more and work to perfect it as much as they can. When listening to their EP, Pushing Daisies, you see this progress and feel it. This was only amplified by being there, to listen to their music in the flesh. The band was able to draw our attention and hold it, bass at its core, the drums building on our anticipation, and finally the guitar finalizing that obscure omnipresent tone provided in shoegaze music. Not only is ‘julies’ music remarkable, but their image is also. On stage, their individual unique styles bind into a distinctive blend. This, incorporated with their stage presence is unforgettable to witness and captivating, to say the least. Regardless of how far you are from the stage you can’t help but feel that you're along for the ride, and ride it was. The crowd moved as one, like one huge wave we were all driven by the music. No matter the age, college students, high school students, or remnants of the 80s, the concert was relished. Shoegaze band, "Julie," rocked, during their US Tour at the Constellation Room they, like orchestrators, directed the flow of the crowd with their music and guided us listeners into a sense of raw-visceral euphoria, they are the type of band that many can enjoy.

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