The Trust is Gone and “We Still Don't Trust You” | Teen Ink

The Trust is Gone and “We Still Don't Trust You”

April 26, 2024
By AHSbaseballwriter GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
AHSbaseballwriter GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Metro Boomin and Future did it again with their brand new release, “We Still Don't Trust You”. This album was released about a week after the first [art of the album called, “We Don't Trust You”. Not only was this album a melodic masterpiece, but also threw shots at Drake through the lyrics creating a new conflict that has blown up on social media. This album had many features from a wide variety of music. I knew full well that it was going to be another great album by Future because he never disappoints and always has some of the best music of the year. 

I hit play on the album and heard another one of Metro’s great productions right off the bat. The beat, though different from most of Future’s beats, was still an interesting and very calm start to the album. The start was very melodic and not hard trap like we are used to hearing from Future. This, however, is not surprising knowing that the album was produced by Metro Boomin who is known for his unique sounds and incredible artistic ability.  The album as a whole has a very calm RnB vibe, created by less bass and less artificial drums, but more melodic instruments and a natural sounding drum set. This is different from most Future songs and his last album, but there are still some common elements of Future mixed in.

 I loved hearing this vibe at the start of the album knowing that it could still become something different because Metro likes to switch it up sometimes. My thoughts were correct and as I got farther through the album—the beats started to switch to harder rap beats and future started to rap instead of sing. My 3 favorite songs off the album are Right 4 You, Beat it, and Crossed Out. Each of these songs have their own vibe and carry themselves differently however each is in a good way. “Right 4 You” has a very calm vibe and  the drums are soft with Future truly singing. “Beat it” has a slightly more aggressive vibe and stronger drums however the next song is even darker. Finally “Crossed Out” is a lot to talk about. It's completely different from every other song on the album up to this point. The drums are hitting harder and Future is in his true rapping form. All in all this album was a very good one. There was a wide variety of songs and artists featured for any type of music one likes. The beats were also very unique and interesting to listen to.

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