rating blonde by Frank Ocean | Teen Ink

rating blonde by Frank Ocean

July 18, 2024
By Ziadhateshisfamily BRONZE, Qalyubia, Other
Ziadhateshisfamily BRONZE, Qalyubia, Other
2 articles 0 photos 5 comments

Favorite Quote:
cindy this b- is messin up my floor

this album has a very soft spot in my heart as it is the most artistic and deepest album i have  ever heard, An actual master piece that can be divided into 4 parts like each of them is an EP. each one named after a season.. The album is exactly 60 minutes with 17 tracks.. Released in 2016 with the visual unreleased album endless and the magazine boys don't cry 




pink + white

Be yourself

each song in this part has its own analysis and explanation but they all go around one idea which is blooming (hope) or renewal or awakening, Does that ring a bell? yes, that is what spring is known for




Skyline To

Self control

Good guy

 Youth, Exuberance


Nights (This song is very important as the beat drops in it at exactly 30 minutes of the album time it was a way for the artist to say that this is a new chapter its not like the other seasons)

Solo (reprise)

Pretty Sweet

Facebook story

Melancholy, Maturity, Change.


Close To You

White Ferrari (very emotional) "we dream of walls that keep us imprisoned"

Seigfried (very emotional) "IM NOT BRAVE"


Futura Free


20/10 experience and a chef kiss

The author's comments:

 you pour boiling tea in a mug, what moves faster the tea or the mug?

you can also find the unreleased albums and other info about frank on blonded.blog and go watch tennisthoms video for full analysis

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