Making April | Teen Ink

Making April

November 7, 2007
By Bapalapa2 ELITE, Brooklyn, New York
Bapalapa2 ELITE, Brooklyn, New York
1044 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Making April
Runaway World

Making April's debut EP, Runaway World, is an amazing collection of fantastic lyrics, instrumentals and vocals. With a combination of beautiful, softer love songs to upbeat melodies, they use a myriad of instruments including piano and violin in addition to the standard rock band instruments to create a piano-pop sound that is unique compared to everything else on the market today.
Making April are a New York State-based band that have had their music featured on MTV's Laguna Beach and were in's top 10 unsigned artists at one point in time. All this attention is not undeserved, though; the ten-track EP is nothing short of incredible. The lyrics are deep and emotional, and combine feelings of sadness and bitterness with hints of happiness at the same time. For example, one of the most beautiful lines on the album is, “Cause then and there/with the wind in your hair/Heaven was jealous to merely look fair/against you.” This line is from the opening track "These are the Nights," and is just one of the many sensory descriptions found in the songs. These entrancing lyrics are joined with strong vocals that have a wide range of ability. This combination is powerful and creates a sound that is both alluring and captivating to every person, whether they are a music lover or non-lover.
All in all, Runaway World is a fantastic album that shows the potential of unsigned bands that can write songs and present them in a way that creates a magical sound, unforgettable to anyone who listens to them.

The author's comments:
Marissa Loves music!


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