Crash My Party/Drink a Beer by Luke Bryan | Teen Ink

Crash My Party/Drink a Beer by Luke Bryan

April 17, 2014
By DaisySmith BRONZE, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
DaisySmith BRONZE, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:

“I am gonna sit right here; at the edge of this pier and drink a beer”. Now I know what one may think,this is just another song about beer, but that is not entirely true. This song has a lot of meaning that I will soon reveal. Country music tells stories and that is why I am doing a review on a country song, sung by Luke Bryan.I will tell a little history on Luke Bryan and a little about the album and the song itself.

First I will tell a little history on how Thomas Luther Bryan...AKA Luke Bryan became famous. Luke was born on July 17,1976 in Leesburg,Georgia. He lived on a peanut farm with his parents and two siblings.When he was younger he would sing and play the guitar around the house.When he was around 15 he started to entertain small crowds. When he was older he started to work on the peanut farm with his dad,but his dad fired him so that he would go and pursue his music career.In 2007 soon after being fired he came out with his first album I’ll Stay Me. As the years went on he came out with 4 more albums; Doin’ My Thing, Spring Break...Here Comes the Party,Tailgates and Tanlines, and his latest album Crash My Party.

Crash My Party was released on August 13,2013. It has 17 great songs. This album, I would say, is one of his best albums because it’s not just a bunch of party songs. The songs are a lot more serious than all of the past Luke Bryan songs. For example his song “All My Friends Say”, I like that song but its about getting drunk and not remembering anything so all his friends told him what happened.Even though I like that song and album,his latest album Crash My Party is the best. I favor this album because it is a lot more serious songs like meeting new people, being married for along time, and dealing with a death of a loved one. I like all the songs but I do have a favorite song on that album.
My favorite song but Luke Bryan on his album Crash My Party would be the song “Drink a Beer”. I like this song because it not only tells a story, but a true story about Luke. When Luke Bryan was just starting his career his brother was is a fatal car accident. Only a couple of months later his sister died at the farm of unknown causes. Luke Bryan only had one brother and one sister, so losing them both in a short period of time was heartbreaking. In the song “Drink a Beer”. He will sit on pier at the edge of a pier and drink and reminisce about good times that you had together. He says that death will happen by God’s choice and that you will get through it. Even though its a sad song, its a good song full of meaning and feelings.

In this review I told a little history about Luke Bryan,about his albums,and my favorite songs of his. Country music tells stories especially Luke Bryan. If you ever get the chance to listen to him you should, he is very talented. “I’m gonna sit right here,at the edge of this pier, and drink a beer”. Now whenever I hear the song “Drink a Beer” I think about Luke Bryan’s story behind the song.

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