Pantera | Teen Ink

Pantera MAG

By Anonymous

   Pantera is known for its explosive crowds and when the group came around to The Meadows in Hartford, Connecticut to play, they must have left their most loyal spectators behind. The adrenaline was pumping through my veins; I couldn't wait. Even though my seat was bad, I thought to myself, Well, when they come on, everyone's going to rush to the stage anyway. So, I didn't mind. Coal Chamber, a hardcore band almost synonymous with Korn, came on first and the guys were pretty good. I wasn't very impressed, but then again I didn't expect much. I was content with the show so far, but not with my seat. When the second act, Machine Head, came on, they opened with their usual, "Davidian," and nobody cared. Let me put this into perspective: ten thousand people sitting(!) and not even listening to this wonderful band perform their hearts out (It was obvious that the group was unimpressed with audience; Robb Flynn's-lead singer and guitarist dialogue with them was nonexistent that night.) I, being very unhappy with my surroundings, started to walk around (with my main objective to get into the mosh pit area).

The biggest disappointment of the night was the fact that the security was way too uptight. The way I figure it is, we - the concert attendees - are paying their bills, so the least they could do is have a little leniency toward the fans who want a better seat. Well, you guessed it, I kept getting scolded whenever I tried crossing aisles or when I started walking around so by the time Machine Head was finished, I had missed half of it trying to find a better seat.

So, finally, I decided, "Hey, I'm not going to beat these guys." So I went back to my horrible seat and listened to my favorite band play. I must say Pantera does know how to put on a good show. The group played all of its favorites including "Walk," "Mouth for War," and "This Love" And they played well. Kudos to Phil Anselmo and the boys for the great performance.

But, here's the point. Anyone who likes to go to a concert and just sit (or stand) and listen, then this would have been the ideal show for him. But, for those who love the crowd interaction and the close environment of small clubs, this show was very disappointing. With stellar performances by all three bands, it would have been more worthwhile for both the fans and the bands to have played at a smaller venue, where people actually care. .


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i love this so much!