David Bowie - Outside... | Teen Ink

David Bowie - Outside... MAG

By Anonymous

   David Bowie, rock's premier chameleon, is back with his latest album, "Outside, The Nathan Adler Diaries: a hyper cycle." This is his eighteenth album. His previous release was "The Singles 1969-1993" and he is one of five new inductees to the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame in 1996.

David Bowie stays true to his freakish ways with this release. In the CD there is a story of a detective's diary of a murder of a young girl. The whole CD centers around this story. The disk has five segues which fill in parts of the story. A segue is an immediate transition from one part to another.

If you can get by the bizarreness of the story, the music is actually good. The CD has songs that resemble his earlier work such as "Outside" and "The Hearts Filthy Lesson." It also contains songs that are different for Bowie, like "We Prick You" and "No Control." The variety on this CD is really amazing, going from slow and soft to very fast and upbeat.

When I first heard my friend listening, I laughed because of who the artist was, but when I listened to it, I actually enjoyed it. Usually, I listen to much heavier bands, so I was surprised to find it likeable. I also recently heard that he has been touring with Nine Inch Nails. I would recommend this CD to anyone who is open-minded and willing to take a chance


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i love this so much!