Inscryption: The Untapped Genre of Horror Games | Teen Ink

Inscryption: The Untapped Genre of Horror Games

March 15, 2024
By CristianCalderon BRONZE, Van Nuys, California
CristianCalderon BRONZE, Van Nuys, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

In a dark cabin where there is just you and a shadowy figure, he asks to play a card game, but if you lose he steals your life. Inscryption is an indie game developed by Daniel Mullins and was released on all popular platforms in 2021. It has a steam rating of 10/10 with overwhelmingly positive reviews. Inscription is a roguelike deckbuilding game mixed with an eerie setting that takes place in a cabin like room.. The game has a sort of psychological horror aspect to it because of its setting and soundtrack. For example, the room you are in is very dimly lit with only a few candles as the only source of light.  The npc named “Leshy” who tells the story, doesn't have a voice, instead the game displays subtitles and bassy sounds to imitate him talking which has a chilling feeling to it. Also, you can’t see Leshy, the only things that are visible are his eyes and his hands when you die. The game isn't all about deckbuilding, it is like an escape room with puzzles that you have to solve to figure out what's really going on. I have never played a game quite like this one. I came from a background of mostly multiplayer shooter games, so I wasn't expecting to like this game very much. I couldn't stop playing this game. On days where I had nothing to do I sat and indulged in this game. The story that it tells just pulls you in and won't let go of you. The rewarding feeling you get after solving a piece of the puzzle is very fulfilling. There are countless 4 and 5 star reviews on this game so that should speak for itself. The ending of the game almost brought a tear to my eye because you build a relationship with the characters and it feels like you took them for granted at the end, but it leaves you feeling satisfied. I could recommend this game to anyone, all sorts of gamers down to people that have never played video games before. I think that anyone would love this game. If you are looking for a totally fresh game that tells an intriguing story with an intricate and amusing game play then look no further than Inscryption

The author's comments:

I chose to review this game because I really enjoyed playing it. I stumbled across it because of a youtuber named Markiplier and he did a series where he played the game. I enjoyed watching his videos on the game so one day I looked it up on the game store on my playstation. Luckily it was on the ps4 and I asked if i could buy it. I ended up having a hard time trying to win at first because I was confused but I

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