Bae or bay? | Teen Ink

Bae or bay?

July 22, 2024
By Ziadhateshisfamily BRONZE, Qalyubia, Other
Ziadhateshisfamily BRONZE, Qalyubia, Other
2 articles 0 photos 5 comments

Favorite Quote:
cindy this b- is messin up my floor

Life Is Strange is a video game that is based on The choices of the player. And also butterfly effect, that a small butterfly flapping it's wings could cause a hurricane. Which is exactly what this game is about. In the first episode our main character Max who is an 18 year old photographer in Blackwell Academy at Arcadia bay, Oregon,  the seaside town where she grew up. Returns after living in Seattle for 5 years. Max sees a beautiful blue butterfly in the school bathroom, And after taking a picture of it she finds out later that she acquired the power of rewinding time and also she starts seeing visions of a storm blasting arcadia bay and destroying it to the ground! She also reunites with her old bestfriend Chloe. Max starts having recurring visions and dreams of the storm, and she tells Chloe about everything that has happened to her.



The game is completely built on the player's way of standpoint and outlook, and morally examines the player. Throughout the game Max and Chloe undergo  a lot of other adventures with the students of Blackwell Academy, the storm that's heading for their small town and their relationship. In the final episode the player has to choose between their loved one of the city where they grew up and made tons of memories, so which one would you choose? Love, or memories?

The game has an soundtrack with great graphics in the remastered version.

The author's comments:

Though this game might not be for everyone, Yet it can help you discover new things about yourself or alter your brain chemistry in a new way. A better way. 

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